8:30am, think about getting up,
9:00am get up, have breakfast in the tent.
Packing up the gear
Water bottle filling. In Tasmania, we've each been carrying between 4-6L extra, as water sources are few and far between.
Contact inserting.
Good to go! Time check: 11am. Not our earliest start, but not our latest either! But packing up and brekkie always seem to take us 2 full hours, no matter what we do.
On the road. This was a quiet country lane with a ferocious headwind. Wish Mapmyride could graph that!
Making lunch in a park under the Batman Bridge
Visited by a kookaburra
Crossing the very windy bridge - not a pleasant experience. Happy to have a separated walkway, but the cables of the bridge supports are attached to the sidewalk, making it too narrow to pass with a loaded bicycle (or a wheelchair, or a stroller, or a cargo bike).
The Tamar River
Checking directions
Buying apples from a roadside stand. The owner came out and talked with us, an 81 year-old woman whose father planted the orchards in 1912.
Biking past vineyards
Stopping in Beaconsfield to buy groceries, and of course, chocolate! (Notice that Michael has a chocolate bar in his hand, as well as a tray of chocolate cookies on the bike behind him).
Time check: 6:30pm. Somehow that took all day, and we are still 21km from our destination, over a mountain range, quite possibly entirely on a gravel road signposted "Only maintained for fire access". This sort of thing seems to happen to us with alarming frequency.
At the top, after climbing a hill with an over 15% grade (see elevation chart above).
And heading down the other side, time check: 8:15pm
Beautiful sunset by bike.
Arrived in Narawntapu National Park, where four kinds of kangaroos abound. Coincidentally, dusk is the best time for viewing them. We couldn't go 100m without seeing at least one, usually two or three. There's one hopping towards me right now.
This is the only day of our whole trip where we actually set up the tent in the dark.
Making dinner
Calling it a night. Time check: 10:55pm. Exhausted!
Stopping to knee tape. We took too much time off in Thailand, and then started too strong in Tasmania, so for the past week or so, I've had to tape.
Making friends along the way
Where the blacktop ends... most days in Tasmania, we've spent at least a few hours bumping along dirt or gravel.
Pit stop, 1:45pm! First public toilet of the day, a welcome sight.
I'll have to trust you that there was actually a kangaroo in that picture - I couldn't see it. Also, weren't you concerned that eating in your tent would result in nocturnal visits by Tasmanian devils?
ReplyDeleteSure sounds like my idea of a vacation. Beautiful sunset though.